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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Start Right To Get To Where You Want To Be!

Buying the Right Size Kettlebell for Your Workouts

Kettlebells WILL Become A Core Part of Your Workout!

Kettlebells look small but they sure do pack a punch when integrated into your workout. Most Kettlebells are made of metal and some are now coated with plastic. Understanding what size Kettlebell to purchase is your first step towards strengthening and toning your body. If your goal is to lose weight or to just become more active then beginning a Kettlebell training program is a fantastic start!

If you look back over the history of the Kettlebell you will see that Russian soldiers used them to condition and strengthen their bodies. They typically used heavy weights right from the beginning.

For someone who is not accustomed to being active, lighter weights are recommended. If you have never done any form of resistance training then buy Kettlebells that are less than 10lbs. Using a lighter weight will allow you to perfect your techniques for each move and this is very important. 

If you do not use the correct form then you won’t receive as many benefits from your workout. You also run the risk of hurting yourself and then you can not train at all! Start small and work up!

If you regularly workout then you can begin your Kettlebell training program with a heavier weight. It is recommended for experienced woman to use an 18lb Kettlebell and men a 35lb one.

When you find that you are not tired after your workout then it is time to increase the weight of your Kettlebell. A good goal is for woman to end up using 35lb Kettlebells and men 44lb. Kettlebells are available in many different weights with some going up to the 80 pound + range.

A Kettlebell workout really delivers a huge punch for your effort. This is a great workout to do if you are rushed for time. For the average person a 20 minute workout can burn as many as 250 calories or more.

Working out using Kettlebells really encourages your body to produce more lean muscle mass. This is turn helps you to burn more calories faster which is why it is a great method for anyone wanting to lose weight.

Your entire core muscles will become stronger and this helps strengthen your back muscles. If you currently suffer with back pain you should notice a huge difference in a relatively short amount of time.

When first starting out with your new Kettlebells concentrate on learning the basic movements and exercises first. This also helps you avoid injuring yourself by over using your muscles too quickly. Once you are comfortable with the basic Kettlebell swings and moves you can progress up to the more advanced exercises.

When buying your Kettlebells you may wish to look for a set of Kettlebells of varying weights. (Be sure and check local thrift shops and yard sales for used Kettlebells. They don't wear out!) This can often save you money and some sets of Kettlebells do come with instructions and examples of exercises that you can start with.

If you are interested in purchasing new Kettlebells, our friends at Action Arts Academy-New England have allowed us to use the great prices that they offer their students through their Pro Shop. If you decide to purchase a Kettlebell through their website, they will donate 5% to the Student Scholarship fund to help financially strapped families who might not otherwise be able to have their children participate in martial arts/self defense training!

Here is the link to their Pro Shop Kettlebells!
Kettlebell workouts are a great family exercise program!