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Friday, April 18, 2014

Easy Kettlebell Training for Weight Loss

Learn the Easy Secrets of Kettlebell Training for Weight Loss

Who knew that an odd-looking cast iron weight does not only help improve strength and endurance but can also help a person lose weight? The kettlebell looks like a very simple tool, but do not underestimate its power. It can be effective weight loss solution which can help you slim down quickly.

The tool is one-piece design is compact and portable and yet it provides greater power not only for burning body fat but for improving flexibility and balance. The reason why kettlebell training is effective for weight loss is because of its natural resistance. Obviously, any heavy object that interacts with your body will provide resistance.

When you lift heavy things, your body's natural response will be to overcome the challenge and burn calories. The same explanation applies when you are moving a kettlebell.  

Using the right size and weight of kettlebell is critical in your weight loss program. You need something that will be challenging enough for you to burn a lot of calories quickly in a workout session.

Aside from their natural resistance, KBs are able to generate plyometric response. This is simply the body's response to imbalance. Many kettlebell exercises entail putting yourself off balance and these activities provide simultaneous targeted training for various muscle groups. And since you are getting a full body workout in a short amount of time, you do not have to spend hours in the treadmill or elliptical trainer. Doing KB exercises for 20 minutes will deliver the same fat fighting and body toning benefits of a long cardio workout.

Compared to traditional weight lifting moves where you lift and lower the dumbbells slowly while staying in one position, you swing the kettlebell through full body motions. This will effectively get your heart rate up quickly. You are able to target more muscles and triple the rate your body burns calories.

A 20-minute session can make you burn as much as 400 calories. That's twice as much calories you can burn on a treadmill! To maximize your training, it's important to try a few sizes and find the one that works best for you. It shouldn't be too heavy but it should be challenging enough for you to exert some effort.

Learn the basic moves and once you have mastered them, move on to more advanced techniques. Squats, lunges, jerks, deadlifts, Russian twists and windmills are just some of the kettlebell exercises you can put together to help you burn off the pounds regularly. And most importantly, make sure you develop a regimen that you can follow. Be consistent and if possible, train every other day if you want to see results. 

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